Friday 30 November 2007

The First Post

Perhaps this is supposed to be dramatic or lavish. Perhaps it is supposed to give you some insight into my life and who I am. I'm not quite sure. I am sure, however, that nobody is likely to read this. There are literally millions of blogs on the internet and mine is by no means the most entertaining.
So what is this for? A boredeom killer? A diary? Me bending to the net pressure to blog to people who don't really want to read my ramblings? I don't know, I suppose its all of the above.

That introduction might have sounded a little austere, but in time, if I come back to this blog, you will find I am a cynical person by nature. It often finds its way into my debates about politics, religion and why my little brother always seems to get the last Hobnob from the packet despite the fact he has diabetes. So for my cynicism, and sometimes down right obvious moaning, I apologise.

What the subjects of my blog will be, I don't know. It might become a preview page for the writing projects I'm working on. It might sometimes focus on debates, some light humour, some heavier. It might become a window into who I am.

All I can tell you right now is that I am a Knight of the Realm. And now I must bid you adieu.

Sir Toasty of Upper Elevenses, Crumpetshire.